newsUNIT is a clean way to get converted units of weight, mass, velocity, volume, temperature or area into your documents -- fast.
newsUNIT won't overwhelm you with information you don't want. You enter your number, choose what unit you're going from and what unit you want to go to, and the solution is immediately displayed.
And all you have to do is click a button (shown as a pair of scissors) to copy that solution to the clipboard ready for pasting directly into any document, in a format similar to what you see in your local newspaper.
For example, a news story might normally read "Francois drove his tractor 60 metres to reach the stranded cow". Using newsUNIT to paste a conversion into that sentence, it becomes "Francois drove his tractor 60 metres (197 feet) to reach the stranded cow". A simple task, sure, but if you're doing it a lot you'll save time doing it this way!
We hope lots of people will find this software useful — for reports, newsletters, or anything else that requires quick conversion of units and a friendly way of showing them.